07837 008014

An accomplished storyteller, performing throughout the UK and internationally for over 16 years, Mike Dodsworth brings his unique blend of exciting storytelling to your events. Mike has been working with schools and early years centres, libraries, galleries and museums, weddings and festivals to bring stories to life for all ages, packing them full with imagination and lots of chances for everyone to help tell the story!


Storyteller for Secondary Schools

Mike's stories are designed to capture the imagination of your secondary school pupils, whether it be from Year 7 to sixth form.  Bringing a blend of contemporary and classic stories to your school, Mike is happy to provide a range of stories or to retell a story that pupils may be working on in class already. Many secondary schools have also enjoyed using our work as part of their Book Week celebrations or even just as a special treat for the end of the year!

Topics Covered
Many secondary schools have used our stories as a way to encourage pupils to develop their listening and speaking skills and imaginations. Our stories are ideal for literacy development especially for pupils that may be undertaking creative writing topics, or for those Year 11's who are beginning to undertake their oral assessments for GCSE as a way to showcase speaking skills. Many teachers will also use our retellings of stories that pupils are working on to give it a fresh context from the novel e.g. a gothic storytelling session revolving around Dracula.

Teachers have also used Mike's stories within the drama curriculum as a way to encourage pupils to learn about the ways you can present your work, and the improvisation that Mike will sometimes take into his stories based on the audience around him. Working with universities for over 6 years has led to Mike's strong experience in leading workshops on performance storytelling for your pupils. 

Historical and geoghraphical themes are also very popular for secondary schools - with Mike's ability to adapt his stories to specific time periods you may be working on i.e. Vikings, Tudors to stories from around the world. This can be an ideal treat for secondary school pupils learning about these topics, often seen as an older alternative to the 'Be In Ancient Greece' workshops that many children will have taken part in primary school!

The fee for a day within a school in Essex, Herts, East London and West Suffolk is £300 - a small travel charge needs to be considered for schools outside of this zone. This can be split into small sessions with each class, or into larger sections with full year groups.

A half day is £200 + travel charge if required.

International schools have the same daily rate but an element of travel and accomodation will be required.